

Frequently Asked Question

You can book a trip with us through our website or by contacting contact@elevennomads.mn. Simply browse our available destinations and packages, select your preferred itinerary, and follow the booking instructions.

You can book a trip with us through our website or by contacting contact@elevennomads.mn e-mail. Simply browse our available destinations and packages, select your preferred itinerary, and follow the booking instructions.

Modifications to bookings are subject to availability and any applicable fees or charges. Cancellation policies vary depending on the travel service provider. Please review the terms and conditions of your booking for specific modification and cancellation policies.

We strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance to protect against unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost luggage. While Eleven Nomads Travel Agency can assist you in obtaining travel insurance, we are not an insurance provider.

Yes, we offer group travel packages for various destinations and occasions. Please contact our customer service team to inquire about group rates and availability for your desired travel dates.

You can contact our customer service team by email at contact@elevennomads.com or by phone at +976 9554-1132. Our team is available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns you may have before, during, or after your trip.

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